T&T Supermarket Christmas 2020 - British Columbia Flyer - 12/18-12/24/2020 (Page 7)

T&T Supermarket Christmas 2020 - British Columbia Flyer - 12/18-12/24/2020 (Page 7)
t&t kitchen 統華小曲 日 融 box wishes box purchase one whole turkey and get gift are available while supplies last 購買整隻火雞,送氣泡飲料1瓶。 贈品數量有限,送完即止。 martinelli please order 1 day in advance 請於1日前預訂。 farlig chinese style bountiful stuffed turkey 中式豐收大火雞 lea 隻 new 新商品 honey roasted turkey drumstick 蜜汁燒火雞槌 honey roasted turkey wing 蜜汁燒火雞翅 festive bbq 節日燒烤 組合 peking duck combo 片皮鴨套餐 $38.88 set 組 soy sauce chicken 港式鼓油雞 smoked turkey thigh smoked turkey drumstick 爐火雞槌 $12.99 lea 美 deluxe chinese b.b.q party platter 精選燒臘拼盤組合 $33.88 set 維 stewed pork hock 紅燒蹄膀 roasted $6.99 set 相 txt phone order order online is available 致自大統戰部上下單。到店自提 british columbia 卑詩省 ora store in advance if pickup in the same day except surrey and kingsway store photos are reference only 以上菜式如潮即日取請於24小時前預定 素里及赴國分店除。但供參考