Thrifty Foods Flyer - 04/02-04/08/2020 (Page 6)

Thrifty Foods Flyer - 04/02-04/08/2020 (Page 6)
bakery easter cakes chocolate or vanilla dessert cakes on sale on sale pring cupcakes top dessert mini cupcakes kimberley's bakeshoppe frosted sugar cookies or two-bite spring cookies erine on sale on sale on sale bagels compliments brioche buns chipmunk bread baked in-store comments compliments loc on sale starting at on sale bonus miles each cheese & deli natural pastures comox brie or camembert product of courtenay random weight champfleury cheese natural pastu cheese com vvp cami natural pastures cheese company on sale u.28 kg comox brie on sale we pick per 100g pant pls callettiate each fast balderson cheddar oka cheese random weight albert's leap bel haven brie oka mild balderson marine balderson doux starting at on sale on sale each per 100g each mastro salametti salami mild or hot frico gouda or spiced mastro charcuterie trio or san daniele prosciutto masted and charcuterie trio mastro mastro salametti page on sale salametti on sale starting at per 100g thrifty foods