Thrifty Foods Flyer - 11/18-11/24/2021 (Page 4)

each pomegranates product of california organic we pick first bc anjou pears grown in the okanagan valley porte organic each each organic satsuma mandarins product of deer creek california exclusive to thrifty foods organic pomegranates product of california each grapefruit product of usa or mexico each or granny smith apples grown in the okanagan valley first we pick first bc organic braeburn apples grown in the similkameen valley arry orgaulle red potatoes natoes ses we pick each first grape tes raisins omatesoalatoes to ensa we pick fraserland farms bc organic yellow potatoes red or yellow potatoes fraserang lisad grown in delta bc golden beets grown in delta bc green or red cabbage grown in victoria or on the lower mainland we pick we pick first first grape tomatoes or cherry tomatoes product of mexico assorted varieties grown in victoria or on the mainland each tf_wk30_po3