TSC Stores - New Year 2021 Flyer - 12/31-01/07/2021 (Page 9)

chicken & ricerca all exercise pens dual folding hinge makes adding & removing panels comes with long lasting zinc coating save h.pro nuway dog food nu-way dog food nuway cat food nu-way cat food moisture 10.0% vitamins and minerals for cats cunun pour chats hi-pro hi-pro milway cat enor feeds feeds sale am16 kg sku description reg "discount on regular priced items only save 20% kong all kong cat toys save 20% kong all kong dog toys buy choose from a variety of options your dog will love kons wub save 25% vitaliſe new all vitalife dog treats 100% natural 27" x 36" aspen plaid duck tenders apple & chicken wra sweet potato & dicit svet porte croner trots pet beds removable cover 100% real real real further discount all natural al natural all natural limited to existing rain checks duck save $3 iams save $5 royal canin wildclogy wildclogy quality pet food grain free earna free bag after buying 10 wildology 6.8kg chicken & turkey cat food or 6.5kg chicken & rice wholesone puppy food play formulated to keep your pets strong & healthy save $4 healthy gourmet royal canin dog food complete nutrition for specific breeds & ages royal canin royal canin geoband wholesome climb iams wildology save 10% all blue buffalo wilderness single can dog or cat food assorted flavours to choose from cat food nutritionally balanced cat food stew healthy urmet earna free bag after buying 10 save 15% all heath bird heath feeders assorted styles available discount applies to regular priced items only squirrel-be-gone feeder holds 2 lbs of seed birds can feed without interruption because their weight will not activate slide mechanism woodstream save $10 save $3 armstrong cor pro purina one dog food one smartele essential amino acids for strong tone nutty buffet attracts woodpeckers & more lamb & rice formu oriile agneau et riz xpurina one contents not included peaveyart