BMR Flyer - 01/01-04/30/2022 (Page 30)

cleaning - detergents for evaporators biodegradable exclusive to agrizone exclusive to agrizone innovation acer!clean acerynox les equipements derarlare cdl detergent pour mes detergent for avaporatore sani-clean for tubing and evaporators 56% acetic acid has a freezing point of -25 °c while glacial acetic acid freezes at 18 °c biodegradable concentrated food-grade phosphoric acid compound phosphoric and nitric acid-based cleaner evaporator cleaner helps dissolve barium sulfate from evaporators nitric and phosphoric acid-based detergent removes barium sulfate powerful cleaner for evaporator pans 85% phosphoric acid powerful non foaming powder scouring cleaner for evaporator pans powerful alkaline detergent and pan descaler the solution can be used multiple times 10.70% isopropyl alcohol health canada as a sanitizer freezes at -25 °c freezes at 18 °c un 2789 acide acétique glacial les filtres a grenie super agros finox pan-o-net vented side shields nettoyeur de creosote ss mettoyant.trant pour acer inoxydable creosote for stress steel bote cleaner for ss large 14 in sopropylique scopropanga derock detartrant de panself bescaler for industrial par cide picture for illustrative purpose only