Costco Flyer - 01/01-03/31/2021 (Page 27)

health makeover continued from page 23 “meaningful physical transformation happens as a byproduct of doing doing one thing perfectly.” listen to your gut iii that you can prevent and treat illnesses by maintaining a balance of good bacteria in of beneficial gut bacteria promotes health longevity and lowered disease risk supporters of a healthy gut micro-biome the key to building a healthy and robust digestive environment is to have a varied fibres function as prebiotics-fuelling gut cteria so they can thrive and function notable prebiotic fibres include inulin and help to improve joint and cardiovascular inflammatory issues costco connection gut imbalar can arise when dysbiosis an unhealthy imbalance of gut bacteria and australia have found that a variety of additional findings out of australia have affected by dysbiosis include inflammatory cardiovascular disease and alzheimer's the importance of gut health cannot be contains trillions of micro-organisms that between the gut's microbial state and emo- anxiety and depression skin or peel of fruits and vegetable such as genic bacteria growth and stimulate good bacteria while reducing gut inflammation costco ware- variety of fresh food and fitness and health items for your new year additional items are available at beneficial bacteria to support gut health improvements to gut health can be achieved with mindful changes to your diet safe and tailored advice that is right for you rosanna lee is a practicing registered dietitian in the greater toronto area specializing in geriatric nutrition