Costco Flyer - 01/01-02/29/2020 (Page 32)

reduces the duration of colds and boosts and beans costco connection your local costco has a variety of and foods to help stave off winter sickness lifestyle recommendations consider the following healthy practices and try to limit your exposure to environ- mental assaults to keep your immunity in • wash your hands often • quit or reduce smoking day-moderate to vigorous activities if rec- connect with a dietitian today and get tailored nutrition and health advice biochemical reactions in the immune vitamin b6 supplements helps the body increase its production of against disease and lowers infection risk yolks and beef liver immunity and moderates immune functions beyond cold and flu protection new and exciting research is pointing to the possible role of the immune system in controlling social behaviours like the desire to interact with an immune-response important piece in moderat- interferon gamma was these molecules were and behaviour were back to show that brain-immune system interactions can affect day-to-day social behavioural traits.-rl