Lowes Foods HOLIDAYS 2021 Weekly Ad Circular - valid 12/15-12/24/2021 (Page 19)

blue buffalo life protection formula dog food selected 6 lb blue buffalo dog food selected 15 lb eam sandwiches shameless pets biscuits selected 6 oz soft baked holistic healthy holistic blue blue buffalo tastefuls cat food selected 3 oz tastoral www the blue buffalo co the blue buffalo co tastefuls blue the blue buffalo co ultimate protection blue buffalo dog treats or health bars selected 16 oz...........tion formula the blue buffalo co sources the blue buffalo bursts cat treats selected 5 oz bursts bursts life protection formula with life source bits hey met blue blue adult chicken and brown rice recipe fresh step cat litter fresh step health bars extreme original health bars mama self-care gifts glad tidy-ings glad dial dial glad glad white glad cling wrap press' seal or sandwich bags or 100 ct sandwich toothbrush selected 2 ct glad trash bags selected 76-90 ct dial bar soap selected 8 ct glad cling wrap frem chinet chinet value pack bowls selected 24 - 70 ct value 2 pack cres dwhite jergens crest 3d white toothpaste selected 2 pack chinet chinet dinner plates jergens hand wash refill chinet durace schick quattro disposable razors selected 4 ct quattro energy energy quattro you duracell batteries aa or aaa selected 1.93 oz durallll kingsford wood pellets selected 20 lb chinet chinet cups extra extra kingsford chile rey powes