Sedano's Weekly Ad Circular - valid 02/28-03/05/2024 (Page 3)

meat specials bistec de picaña usda choice beef loin sirloin cap steak bistec de picaña de res fda inspected product of ecuador farm raised freah shell-on raw shrimp camarones crudos frescos con cascara siempre fresco nunca congelado wild caught choice 7⁹⁹ usda choice beef chuck under shoulder steak boneless falda de res 5⁹9 fresh 5⁹9 fda inspected product of vietnam wild caught previously frozen kingfish steak rueda de serrucho 6⁹9 wild caught wild caught seafood especiales de pescaderia while angus besp shi certified arimp mak mamita's mamita fda inspected product of suriname beef round bottom round roast tira de pierna de res para asar mamita's mamita wild caught previously frozen corvina fillet filete de corvina 8⁹9 fda inspected product of oman usda choice certified angus beef wild caught previously frozen tuna loin lomo de atún 7⁹⁹ usda choice certified angus boof beef cubed steak bistec de pasado por maquina angus $6⁹9 great american seafood company shrimp meat or raw shrimp camarones crudos 56⁹ mamita's salami 4⁹⁹ cooked shrimp ind certified ngus see certified manita mamita mameta amitamanita mamita great american seafood company salmon fillet filete de salmón 4.⁹9 great american seafood company swai fillet filete de basa great american seafood company cooked shrimp camarones cocidos 9⁹9 usda choice certified angus beef beef round bottom round steak bistec de tira de pierna de res angus choice usda choice certified angus beef beef for stew carne de res para guisar angus 5.⁹⁹ choice 6⁹⁹ cheann tilapia fillets cha mamita's salami pan tuna portions shrimp panamel panamei tilapia fillet filete de tilapia 4.6⁹ panamel panamei tuna portions porciones de atún 9.⁹9 panamel panamel cooked shrimp camarones cocidos the panamel seafood mix or mussel meat mixtos de mariscos of masa de mejillones sanderson farmo fresh boneless skinless chicken breast pechuga de pollo sin hueso ni piel fresca siempre fresco nunca congelado 2⁹9 panamel seafood mix panamed not usda graded imported uruguay previously frozen lamb leg boneless pierna de cordero sin hueco 4.⁹⁹ shrimp not usda graded imported uruguay previously frozen lamb for stew cordero para guisar 5⁹9 always fresh panamel 3⁹⁹ panamel panamei easy peel raw shrimp camarones crudos facil de pelar-1 lb 77⁹